The Molecular Neuroimmunology Unit applies techniques such as ELISA, SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, Western Blot, Immunoblot, extraction and quantification of DNA/RNA with Real-Time PCR in the blood and CSF of patients and in laboratory animals speciments. In addition, this unit applies verified diagnostic methods for the detection of binding and neutralizing antibodies (Babs and Nabs) against INF-β and neutralizing antibodies (Nabs) against Natalizumab in treated Multiple Sclerosis patients.
The Unit is equipped with:
1) Real-time PCR thermocycler IQ5 (Biorad)
2) PCR thermocycler Progene (Techne)
3) ELISA reader (Biotech)
4) ELISA reader (Molecular Devices)
5) ELISA washer (Molecular Devices)
6) ELISA washer (Biochem)
7) Electrophoresis power supply (Life Tech)
8) Horizontal electrophoresis unit (Biorad)
9) Electrophoresis power supply (Biorad)
10) Vertical electrophoresis unit (for SDS-electrophoresis and electrotranfer) (Biorad)
11) Refrigerator (Pitsos)
12) Freezer -20°C (Izola)
13) Freezer -80°C Forma (Thermo)
14) Freezer -80°C (Rua)
15) Sterilization chamber (Memmert)
16) Liquid nitrogen tank
17) Distiller system for purified water (dH2O) (GFL2001/2)
18) Double distiller system for purified water (ddH2O) (Hamilton)
19) Electrophoresis unit for CSF (Helena Laboratories)
20) Benchtop Centrifuge (Centric)
21) Benchtop Micro Centrifuge (Costar)
22) Benchtop Centrifuge (controlled temperature) (Firlabo)
23) Benchtop Centrifuge (controlled temperature) (Biofuge, Heraeus)
24) Vortex (Gilson)
25) pHmeter (Corning)
26) Rotator (Grand Boekel)